c is for cole


Sunday, April 22, 2012

noah james hageman

with very grateful hearts, we welcome noah james hageman to our family. how blessed we are with our new addition!

noah was born on april 14, 2012 weighing in at 8 pounds 2 ounces, 19.5 inches.
mama experienced true labor this time around and is not a fan! i ended up having to have a c-section because noah had moved to the transverse (horizontal) position & had my water broken, an emergency c-section would have had to be done because the cord would have likely been first instead of noah. i was hoping that by having a c-section i would be able to get some strong drugs quickly, but instead had to wait over 2 1/2 hours for a spinal. by this time my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart & the pain was like nothing i've ever experienced (& hope to never again). but nonetheless, we have a sweet, healthy baby boy!!! welcome noah!!!
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erik and kristi said...

Can't wait to meet him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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